What does the status of my interlibrary loan (ILL)/document delivery order mean?
You may notice different statuses assigned to your ILL request after it is submitted. Below is a list of common status designations and what they mean.
- Awaiting Conditional Processing: A potential lender has replied to your request seeking more information. ILL is responding.
- Awaiting Copyright Clearance: ILL is processing your request. It will be forwarded to a potential lending library shortly.
- Awaiting Customer Contact: Your requested material has arrived. You will be notified shortly via email.
- Awaiting Odyssey Processing: Your item has been received electronically and will be posted to the Web shortly. You will be contacted by email when it is ready.
- Awaiting Post-Receipt Processing: Your requested material has arrived, but it is not ready yet for pickup. You will be contacted by email when it is ready.
- Awaiting Request Processing: ILL is searching for potential lenders for your request.
- Awaiting Unfilled Processing: Your request has not been filled by the lenders we have contacted so far. ILL is still working on your request.
- Canceled by Customer: You have cancelled your request.
- Canceled by ILL Staff: Your request was canceled by ILL staff. Please see the notification sent via email to see the reason.
- Customer Notified via Email: Your item has arrived and is IN-PROCESS. After it has been processed, it will be available for check out or for in-library use. You may also check your ILLiad account at any time to see if any of your ILL requests are ready for checkout or in-library use.
- Delivered to Web: Your copy is available for viewing or downloading from your ILLiad account.
- In Electronic Delivery Processing: Your article has been received electronically and will be posted to the Web shortly. You will be contacted via email when it is ready.
- Request Finished: If this is an electronic copy, it is no longer available because it has been on the Web for 30 days. If it is a loan, the item has been checked in and returned to the lending library.
- Request in Processing: ILL is in the process of ordering your request from a lending library.
- Request Sent: ILL staff has forwarded your request to potential lenders and is waiting for a response.
If you have any questions about the status of your ILL request, please contact the ILL staff at 205-934-9263 or at (205) 934-6365. Some libraries will not lend certain types of materials, making them difficult to obtain on loan.